
Bridge the Gap Using This Pay Equity Playbook

Written by Staff

February 29, 2024

24010937JR-Bridge the Gap Using This Pay Equity Playbook

You've been busting your butt at work, giving 110% every day. But no matter how hard you work, it seems like you can't get ahead. The reason? Your pay isn't equal to that of your male colleagues. You're ready to close the gender pay gap and get the salary you deserve.

Read on to discover a pay equity playbook with actionable tips to negotiate your worth, find allies, and create positive change. With the right information, you can make sure you’re getting paid what you deserve.


Understanding Pay Equity and the Pay Equity Playbook

For starters, pay equity means paying employees fairly for similar duties.  The pay equity playbook provides practical guidance to achieve pay equity in your organization. It contains tools and resources to conduct a pay equity analysis, evaluate job roles, and make pay adjustments.

The first step is to evaluate job roles and determine their value to your organization. Look at the requirements, skills, effort, and responsibilities of different jobs. Jobs with similar value should have equal pay.

Once you determine the job value, analyze your pay data. Look for pay gaps between genders and ethnicities. Check if people in similar roles with the same experience receive different pay.  Use the data to make evidence-based decisions on addressing pay inequities.

When you find pay gaps, determine the reasons. It could be due to discrimination or systemic barriers. Plan to close the gaps through pay raises and policy changes. Provide training on fair pay practices. Continuously monitor pay equity to prevent future issues.

Following the pay equity playbook will help you take steps towards fair compensation in your workplace. Building a culture of inclusion and fairness leads to greater employee satisfaction, productivity, and company success.

How to Make Pay Equity a Priority in Your Organization

To achieve pay equity in your organization, follow these steps:

  • Conduct a pay audit. Analyze compensation for all roles to identify any pay gaps. Look at base pay and bonuses for the past few years. Be transparent in sharing the results with employees.
  • Review the job descriptions. Make sure requirements and responsibilities for similar roles are consistent across Revise as needed.
  • Evaluate hiring and promotion practices. Look for unconscious biases that could negatively impact women and minorities. Provide inclusiveness and empathy training for those involved in these processes.
  • Set pay equity goals. Work with leadership to determine a reasonable timeline for closing any identified pay gaps. Be accountable by scheduling regular reviews of progress and adjusting as needed.
  • Institute fair compensation policies. Establish a consistent, unbiased system for determining starting pay and raises. Promote pay for performance and merit to support equal opportunity for growth within the organization.

Achieving pay equity is challenging but rewarding work. By auditing pay, ensuring fair practices, setting clear goals, and implementing equitable policies, you'll be well on your way to providing equal pay for equal work. Employees will appreciate your commitment to this important issue, and your organization will be better for it. Keep putting in the effort—the time for pay equity is now!


Pay Equity Playbook Frequently Asked Questions

So, you have the pay equity playbook; now what? Here are some common questions that come up and how to address them:

  1. What does “pay equity” really mean?

Pay equity means equal pay for equal work. It means paying people fairly based on the value of the job, not on the gender or ethnicity of the employee.

  1. How can you know if your company has an issue with pay inequity?

Look at your payroll and compensation data. Analyze if women and minorities in similar roles receive less pay than other groups. You may also see higher turnover in these groups. Employees may report feelings of unfairness or lack of opportunity.

  1. Where do you start to fix pay inequity?

Conduct a pay audit to identify any gaps. Plan to adjust compensation to fix issues. Revise hiring and promotion policies to prevent future gaps. Provide unconscious bias training. Be transparent about pay ranges and promotion criteria.

  1. What are the benefits of achieving pay equity?

Pay equity leads to greater employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. It helps attract top talent and builds a reputation as a fair and inclusive workplace. There are also cost savings from reducing turnover and legal risks.

  1. What are the estimated timespan and costs?

The time and cost will depend on the size of your gaps. Start by budgeting 1-3% of payroll costs per year toward adjustments. Create a multi-year plan to make incremental changes. While it requires an investment, the long-term benefits to your business are substantial. Pay equity needs to be an ongoing priority, not a one-time fix.

The path to pay equity may not always be easy, but it is necessary for building a fair, just, and sustainable workplace. Following the recommendations in the pay equity playbook will set you on the right course.



There you have it—a playbook for pay equity that walks you through how to identify and address pay gaps, produce a plan of action, and implement the changes needed to build a culture of equality. While it won't happen overnight, with the right strategies and commitment, you can work to close the gender pay gap.

It starts by taking a hard look at compensation practices, educating individuals about biases, and opening conversations about salary. When people feel empowered to negotiate and ask for what they deserve, it lifts everyone. This playbook gives you the tools—now it's time to act.

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Embracing Fair Pay in the War for Talent

Download our white paper to further understand how organizations across the country are using market data, internal analytics, and strategic communication to establish an equitable pay structure.

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