Mind the Gap: A Guide to Resolving Pay Gaps Across Your Workforce

Future of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Webinar: Mind the Gap: A Guide to Uncovering and Resolving Pay Gaps Across Your Workforce Hero

The call to address pay equity across your workforce has never been stronger, yet during this time of both economic and societal upheaval, many organizations remain unprepared to take on this vital issue. Access the webinar and watch as our compensation experts examine the benefits of developing a pay equity program and the steps you can take to get pay right.

Topics include:

  • How pay inequity can emerge in organizations over time
  • How to analyze your current pay equity position
  • How pay inequity can negatively impact your business and the socio-economic forces that cannot be ignored
  • The critical role of pay transparency and open communication
  • The data and tools you need to get pay right

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