How to Prepare for California’s New Wage Transparency

How to Prepare for California’s New Wage Transparency

California’s new salary transparency law has passed, with big implications for businesses both inside, and even outside, California. The time to prepare is now, with employers required to comply starting January 1, 2023.

In this session, our experts answered these questions and more:

  • What are the reporting and record retention requirements?
  • What are the requirements if you’re headquartered out of state, but you’re employing California residents?
  • Does this law expand to contract workers?

Given that California is one of the world’s largest economies and home to many of the nation’s largest employers, including Meta and Google, this bill’s impact will extend to employers beyond California, as companies based out-of-state and hiring for jobs to be done in California will need to be compliant.

In this webinar, you will learn the steps to take to comply with the law and be more than ready to handle the increased scrutiny and rigor of their pay practices. Also, you will learn how to better meet the evolving expectations of employees and recruits.

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