HR DATA LABS - S06/Bonus:

Robert Mattson – HR Tech 2023 – The Four Ingredients of Masterful Communication

Robert Mattson – HR Tech 2023 – The Four Ingredients of Masterful Communication

Robert Mattson is a Principal at INTRIGUE Communications and Coaching, a marketing and messaging consultancy based on the idea that stories connect people to each other, their interests, and brands. In this episode, Robert talks about how you can communicate by telling stories that will resonate with your audience.

December 19, 2023

[0:00 - 9:18] Introduction

  • Welcome, Robert!
  • Today’s Topic: The Four Ingredients of Masterful Communication

[9:19 - 17:51] What is the key to effective communication?

  • Start with the audience’s motivations and (if present) the elephant in the room
  • The optimal time and place to have a meeting
  • Why you should over-communicate the context of a conversation

[17:52 - 25:59] How does expectation-setting set the framework for conversations?

  • How setting expectations can help you avoid bad reactions to good news
  • Have a plan for any conflict that might arise from the conversation

[26:00 - 32:04] How do you tell someone that they should improve their emotional communication skills?

  • Look at the existing challenges in your communication and assume it’s not a “them” problem
  • Be curious and non-judgmental

[32:05 - 33:09] Closing

  • Thanks for listening!
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