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25% $1,929 10% $1,470 90% $2,882 75% $2,669 $2,434 50%(Median) ??? Y our Sala r y

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Many jobs pay a substantial bonus in additional to a base salary.

Benefits are an important component of a total rewards package.

Eleven Interiors
Boston, MA
Eleven Interiors is looking for an Interior Designer to join our luxury residential design firm located in the South End of Boston. The ideal candidate is ... more
2 Days Ago
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Workplace Resource LTD
Worcester, MA
Senior Dealer Designer. Full Time. Worcester Massachusetts. . Workplace Resource is a premier office furniture dealership with a creative, collaborative wo... more
2 Days Ago
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Casagrande Studio
Brookline, MA
Do you have a passion for design and a drive to excel. Casagrande Studio is looking for a talented and enthusiastic Design Assistant/Junior Designer to joi... more
5 Days Ago
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, MA
E.F. Winslow Plumbing & Heating** is currently hiring for a **full-time Interior Designer** to communicate with customers and create design plans for kitch... more
2 Days Ago
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Flad Architects
Boston, MA
Overview. Flad Architects is a knowledge-based national design firm comprised of innovative, skilled, and energetic team members who enable our clients to ... more
3 Days Ago
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GMA Architects
Framingham, MA
ABOUT YOU. GMA Design Group is a full-service design/build firm, partnered with the ARCO Family of Companies. Our team provides services including Creative... more
6 Days Ago
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