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25% $1,568 10% $1,195 90% $2,343 75% $2,169 $1,978 50%(Median) ??? Y our Sala r y

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Many jobs pay a substantial bonus in additional to a base salary.

Benefits are an important component of a total rewards package.

Austin, TX
Your Role. As a Senior Interior Designer with Gensler's Sports practice, you are passionate about your craft and combine creativity and technical knowledge... more
4 Days Ago
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Iida Tx Ok
Houston, TX
Interior Designer/Intern. Posted Monday, February 14, 2022. Work Location Description Coleman Partners Architects is a full service architectural and inter... more
2 Days Ago
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Iida Tx Ok
Dallas, TX
Interior Designer. Posted Tuesday, November 30, 2021. Work Location Description Grace Hebert Curtis Architects (GHC) has an exciting opportunity for an ent... more
3 Days Ago
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Childers Architect
Dallas, TX
COMPANY DESCRIPTION. Childers Architect is an innovative design-oriented architectural firm with more than 30 years of experience creating distinctively be... more
5 Days Ago
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Georgetown Manor, Inc., An Authorized Ethan Allen Retailer
San Antonio, TX
Georgetown Manor, Inc., an Authorized Ethan Allen Retailer for 56 years, is the world's largest Ethan Allen Independent Retailer. We operate six Design Cen... more
5 Days Ago
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LVI Associates
Houston, TX
A top architecture and engineering firm has an amazing opportunity for an Interior Designer with expertise in hospitality, commercial, or corporate experie... more
6 Days Ago
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