What should I Pay?
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25% $1,675 10% $1,499 90% $2,178 75% $2,030 $1,868 50%(Median) ??? Y our Sala r y

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Many jobs pay a substantial bonus in additional to a base salary.

Benefits are an important component of a total rewards package.

Booz Allen Hamilton
San Diego, CA
Job Number: R0191961 Data Scientist, Mid. The Opportunity: As a data scientist, you're excited at the prospect of unlocking the secrets held by a data set,... more
1 Day Ago
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Booz Allen Hamilton
El Segundo, CA
Job Number: R0198607 Space Data Scientist. The Opportunity: Are you excited at the prospect of unlocking the secrets held by data. In an increasingly conne... more
1 Day Ago
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San Diego, CA
In this age of disruption, organizations need to navigate the future with confidence by tapping into the power of data analytics, robotics, and cognitive t... more
1 Day Ago
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Booz Allen Hamilton
El Segundo, CA
Job Number: R0197068 Data Scientist and Operations Research Analyst. The Opportunity: As a data scientist, you're excited at the prospect of unlocking the ... more
1 Day Ago
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Social Finance (SoFi)
San Francisco, CA
Employee Applicant Privacy Notice. Who we are. Shape a brighter financial future with us. Together with our members, we're changing the way people think ab... more
4 Days Ago
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Department of the Air Force
Los Angeles, CA
Duties NH-02 DUTY 1: Performs developmental assignments in support of projects assigned to higher level analysts. Performs minor phases of a larger assignm... more
1 Day Ago
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