What should I Pay?
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25% $3,144 10% $2,854 90% $4,145 75% $3,819 $3,462 50%(Median) ??? Y our Sala r y

Do you know the following factors can affect your pay? Check it out to see how much you are worth.

Many jobs pay a substantial bonus in additional to a base salary.

Benefits are an important component of a total rewards package.

Casa Esperanza
Roxbury, MA
Relocation Assistance:* Up to $7,500 in relocation reimbursement. Sign-on bonus: $3,000* (paid: 50% at 90 days of hire and remainder at 180 days). About Ca... more
4 Months Ago
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SeaTac, WA
Salary Range: $21.85 - $31.71 Hourly. Medical Assistant I or II - ***Up to $3,000.00 Signing Bonus Depending on Experience. Would you like to have a career... more
4 Days Ago
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Federal Way, WA
Salary Range: $21.85 - $31.71 Hourly. Medical Assistant I or II - ***Up to $3,000.00 Signing Bonus Depending on Experience. Would you like to have a career... more
10 Days Ago
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Encinitas, CA
Job Purpose. The candidate for this role must be bilingual in Spanish and English. The Medical Assistant performs clinical support services, assists with c... more
16 Days Ago
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Tukwila, WA
Salary Range: $21.85 - $31.71 Hourly. Medical Assistant I or II - ***Up to $3,000.00 Signing Bonus Depending on Experience. Would you like to have a career... more
30 Days Ago
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Ashe Memorial Hospital
Jefferson, NC
At Ashe Memorial Hospital, we are driven by our Mission Statement, "To meet the needs of the community by delivering patient-centered, high quality health ... more
2 Months Ago
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