How to Become an Accounting Clerk

Step 1: Understand the job description and responsibilities of an Accounting Clerk

What does an Accounting Clerk do?

AN Accounting Clerk performs routine accounting activities such as data entry, maintenance of the general ledger, preparation of various accounting statements and financial reports. Reviews, codes and verifies transactions and journal entries. Being an Accounting Clerk completes moderately complex calculations using spreadsheets and other software tools. Reconciles accounts and bank statements. Additionally, Accounting Clerk may also process accounts payable and receivable transactions. Has a basic understanding of bookkeeping and accounting principles. May require an associate degree or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor. The Accounting Clerk works under moderate supervision. Gaining or has attained full proficiency in a specific area of discipline. To be an Accounting Clerk typically requires 1-3 years of related experience.

People's Opinions on Accounting Clerk responsibilities

An accounting clerk is a financial record keeper who uses specialized ledgers and software to record and process expenditures, receipts, payroll and all other financial transactions for a business or organization.

01/09/2020: Norfolk, VA

This position requires an aptitude for math, attention to detail, familiarity with basic accounting procedures, and computer and ten-key proficiency.

02/01/2020: Ventura, CA

Jobs in this field range from entry level accounting data entry clerks, to full-charge bookkeepers.

01/30/2020: Kansas City, MO

An entry level accounting clerk is generally required to provide clerical and accounting support for the accounting department.

02/24/2020: Toledo, OH

An accounting clerk who works in the accounts receivable department will prepare and submit customer invoices, and post and deposit receipts as those invoices are paid.

01/25/2020: Fresno, CA
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Step 2: Learn best tips to become an Accounting Clerk

Best tips for those who want to become an Accounting Clerk

Here are some tips to become an Accounting Clerk.

People's Opinions on best tips

Brush up on your software skills.

01/26/2020: Boulder, CO

Job Performance Evaluation Form Page 1 Accounting clerk performance appraisal.

02/12/2020: Nashville, TN

Scroll down and find how to apply or mode of application for this job after the job description.

02/07/2020: Tampa, FL

Carefully follow the instructions on how to apply.

12/31/2019: Dothan, AL

You may use the Services only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use.

01/07/2020: Green Bay, WI
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Step 3: View best colleges and universities for Accounting Clerk

Best colleges and universities for Accounting Clerk

  • Florida Southern College
  • Colby College
  • Dartmouth College
  • University of Notre Dame
  • Western Washington University
  • Canisius College

Step 4: Think about whether is it worth to be an Accounting Clerk

Is being an Accounting Clerk Worth it?

Step 5: Prepare relevant skills for being an Accounting Clerk

What skills do you need to be an Accounting Clerk?

There are many skills required to succeed in this role, which vary in importance depending on the exact role and department size.  The daily workload for this job will be highly dependant on these skills: Account Reconciliation, Balance Sheet Analysis, Bank Reconciliation, Financial Accounting, General Ledger Accounting, GAAP Standards.  Some of the more basic skills required are: Accounting Software.  By growing your skills to reflect the ones mentioned, you are more likely to succeed in this role, and move forward to a more senior position.

People's Opinions on Accounting Clerk skills

Before accounting clerks can perform their duties successfully and become best on the job, they need to possess a handful of required skills and qualities.

01/16/2020: Trenton, NJ

Whether the clerk is assisting with other accounting projects in the office, entering and balancing accounts receivable and payable on a daily basis, tracking deposits made to bank, handling deposit transfers, tracking tax payments, compiling information for tax filing, assembling financial data for audits, or performing any other accounting clerk duties, they need to get the skills that will enable them to handle all these numerous responsibilities that face them on a daily basis effectively.

01/25/2020: Moline, IL

Having an eye for detail is a soft skill that every accounting clerk needs.

01/07/2020: Alexandria, LA

It is necessary to interact well with people around you, and also develop the ability to interpret jargon and complicated accounting ideas to be easily understood by clients.

12/11/2019: New London, CT

As such, a successful clerk must be able to understand these programs and use them proficiently.

02/17/2020: Norfolk, VA
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Step 6: View average salary for Accounting Clerk

How much does an Accounting Clerk make?

The average salary range for an Accounting Clerk is from $44,840 to $55,454. The salary will change depending on your location, job level, experience, education, and skills.

Salary range for an Accounting Clerk
$44,840 to $55,454

Step 7: Find relevant Accounting Clerk jobs, and apply.

Looking for Accounting Clerk jobs?

Here are some Accounting Clerk jobs in the United States.

Search Accounting Clerk Jobs in the United States

Step 8: Explore Career Path of Accounting Clerk