
What Are Competencies and Why Do They Matter?

Written by Staff

December 14, 2023

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Competencies are the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that help people succeed in a job. Companies use competency frameworks to create plans for hiring, training, and promoting people. Knowing your strengths and the skills the company values boost career and improves job performance.

Understanding competencies for both job seekers and leaders is essential. They are the key to achieving your goals, and this article helps you learn more about them.


Defining Competencies

Competencies help measure how good someone is at doing their job.

Competencies are made up of three components:

  1. Skills: Skills and knowledge you need for a job
  2. Knowledge: Things you know and can do for a job that you learned
  3. Behaviors: How a person acts at work

Competencies are the most critical tool in your career. Companies use them to create employee training and career plans by figuring out the skills and knowledge needed for each job. Understanding competencies for a position prepares individuals for a new role.

Companies who hire, manage performance, and help employees learn based on competencies, end up with skilled and motivated workers. When people know what is expected and get chances to learn, they do their best. This benefits companies by having the right skills for their goals. Competencies are vital for success in helping individuals and organizations. When companies focus on them, they get an edge with talented and motivated workers.

Types of Competencies

Competencies have different types. Some of the most common are:

Technical competencies

Technical competencies refer to skills and knowledge related to a specific job, task, or role such as:

  • Software proficiencies
  • Equipment operation
  • Diagnostic abilities

Soft skills

Soft skills or interpersonal skills are essential for positive interactions with others. Some examples are:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving

These skills are helpful in many jobs and careers. Good soft skills help people work well together and handle problems effectively.

Business competencies

Business competencies are the skills required from a person to do important tasks that help a business succeed. This includes:

  • Leadership
  • Planning and organizing
  • Decision making
  • Commercial awareness

People who are good at business understand how organizations succeed. They inspire and lead teams to reach significant goals and help the company's mission.

Companies who figure out the important competencies for a job and help employees get better do better as a company. Knowing the different types of competencies ensures everything is covered.


Why Competencies Matter for Individuals

Understanding one's competencies clarifies what is required to excel and advance in a career. Here are the benefits of competencies:

Better Job Opportunities: Having diverse skills makes you a more desirable candidate for employers. This opens more career opportunities.

Higher Earnings: Valuable competencies lead to higher income. Continuous development of skills increases earning potential over time.

Job Satisfaction: Having competencies that match your job's requirements lead to greater job satisfaction. Competence in your job leads to greater job satisfaction, a positive work environment, and overall happiness.

Career Growth: Competencies are essential for career growth. They help you acquire new skills, stand out from peers, and progress in your field.

Confidence: Being skilled and knowledgeable in your job boost confidence, leading to better performance and resilience to challenges. This confidence help you take on new tasks and responsibilities with enthusiasm.

How Employers Use Competencies

Competencies drive success in a role. Employers use competencies to help their businesses succeed. Here is how:

Recruitment and Hiring: Skill-based job postings attract the right people. Employers use competencies to create job descriptions and select candidates. They evaluate candidates' competencies through interviews, tests, and simulations to ensure they fit the job well.

Performance Management: Competencies help employers evaluate how well employees work. Employers use them to tell employees what's expected, give feedback, and do performance reviews. They are checked on whether they have the skills needed for their jobs.

Promotions and Career Advancement: Employers evaluate the competencies of employees for promotions and career advancement to ensure readiness for increased responsibilities.

Compensation and Rewards: Some employers tie compensation and rewards to competencies. Employees who demonstrate specific competencies are eligible for bonuses or salary increases.

Developing and Assessing Competencies

Developing competencies in a company is important. It means finding the important skills needed for different jobs. Once identified, employees get better at these skills through training, coaching, and on-the-job learning.

Identifying Competencies

The first step is determining which competencies are essential for the organization’s success. Companies can use job analysis to figure out which competencies are essential for their operation.

Developing Competencies

Create a plan for how you will develop these competencies. This may include:

  • Formal training programs to build skills and knowledge
  • On-the-job experiences such as special projects or assignments to gain experience
  • Coaching and mentoring from managers or coworkers
  • Job rotation or shadowing in different roles
  • Continuous feedback and performance reviews to track progress

Different competencies need different approaches for improvement. It depends on the preferences of the employees. The key is providing opportunities to strengthen competencies through practice and experience over time.

Assessing Competencies

As employees develop competencies, it is important to assess their progress. This is done through:

  • Observing employees in action to see competencies demonstrated
  • Reviewing work products and outcomes for evidence of competence
  • Gathering feedback from managers, colleagues, and clients
  • Conducting performance reviews and evaluations
  • Testing or evaluating specific skills and knowledge

Competency assessment helps determine where employees excel and what needs improvement.  It also motivates employees by demonstrating their progress and growth over time. Developing and accessing competencies leads to a highly skilled and effective workforce.



Competencies are essential for any business. They help companies reach their goals and stay ahead of the competition. Identifying, understanding, and developing key competencies benefit both the company and employees. It opens more career opportunities for employees and helps companies gain success.

Making a good competency plan takes time and money, but it is worth it. For individuals, knowing and improving your skills is the way to succeed and keep learning throughout life. Competencies are like building blocks that help both businesses and people become their best.

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