
Reskilling vs. Skilling vs. Upskilling: Learn the Differences

Written by Staff

November 30, 2023

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Upskilling is more familiar among employees and job seekers. How about reskilling? What does it mean?

Learning new skills and garnering knowledge opens doors for growth. Many people want to get job promotions or get job positions they have been dreaming of. As the competition gets tougher, adapting and keeping up with new skills and the latest trends are the best option.

The process takes a lot of effort and patience.  Time also provides lessons to prepare for the new opportunities.  It is better not to rush when learning new things.


This article discusses what reskilling, skilling, and upskilling are. Find out and earn the differences of these 3 terms to help find the path to career growth.

What is Reskilling?

Reskilling is the process of acquiring new skills or updating existing skills and knowledge to keep up with the industry's changing trends. Valamis wrote that reskilling is effective because of the following reasons:

  • When the management wants to move a person who fits better for another role, instead of letting go.
  • An alternative to dismissing current employees and hiring new talents with different skill sets.

Reskilling vs. Upskilling vs. Skilling: Differences

Upskilling is about training current employees in new skills. Typically, upskilling programs include lessons that enhance employees' skills, preparing them for developing work demands.

Skilling is a process of acquiring necessary skills.  It focuses on specific tasks that help advance employees’ career path.

Reskilling, skilling, and upskilling share the same goal: acquiring new skills and knowledge.

Reskilling is helping employees acquire new skills and knowledge aligned with their current roles. This is useful in preparing employees for new responsibilities and new positions.

Upskilling is the process of teaching employees new skills and knowledge to prepare them for the upcoming challenges in their current roles. Reskilling is preparing the current employees to update their skills and knowledge to keep up with the trends.


Benefits of Reskilling

Some companies consider reskilling employees to reduce turnover.

Changes in the job trend are inevitable and sometimes overwhelming.  With comprehensive reskilling training programs, companies ensure the workforce keeps up with emerging roles.

  • Here are some: Expanding the company's responsibilities and abilities
  • Improving versatility
  • Reducing time and costs of hiring new employees
  • Boosting top employees and loyal employees' retention

Is Reskilling Important Today?

Hiring is manageable with the assistance of  job platforms online. Human resources (HR) professionals can ensure they give reasonable job offers that align with job scopes using CompAnalyst.  Finding top job market talent is achievable in the target timeline.

Finding new talents is crucial. Companies want to balance the numbers of experienced employees and hiring new ones. The current employees are the guides of the new employees. Not to mention, current employees know the needs of the business.

Reskilling is crucial in any company, not only today. Many organizations saw its importance during the pandemic, especially when Great Resignation rose.

Reskilling allows keeping the same loyal employees. Robotics process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) changed employment, but only employees who were part of the company's success know the company's values and goals.



Reskilling, skilling, and upskilling is crucial in any workplace. Part of the company's growth is the employees' career growth. Giving them a chance to acquire new skills and knowledge also benefits the company in the long run. These three relevant terms   save the company's future by preparing the workforce for the evolving job trends.

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