
How To Create a Skills Framework To Support Your Strategic Objectives

Written by Staff

May 8, 2023

How To Create a Skills Framework To Support Your Strategic Objectives Hero

If you’re part of an organization, you most likely hope that it succeeds. This is especially true for the higher-ups and management who are in charge of getting an organization on the track for success. One step to doing this is to identify your mission and align the skills of your team to these objectives.


A skills framework is the perfect tool for this task. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about a skills framework and how you can create one to support your strategic objectives. By following our steps, you’ll have all the tools necessary to implement a successful organizational skills framework.

Understanding Strategic Objectives

Before you create your organization’s skills framework, it’s important to be aware and fully understand what your organization’s strategic objectives are. You’ll need to tailor your strategic objectives to fit the needs of your organization and its current goals. For example, if one of your goals is to improve customer satisfaction within your organization, then you can implement strategic objectives to figure out how to achieve this goal.

When looking at your strategic objectives, it’s important to be aware that your skills framework needs to support them. This helps your organization define the standards that are needed for success by measuring employees’ performance against the strategic objectives in place. As this is the case, employees will be aware of what is expected of them.

Do this effectively and you will have a team that commits itself to a common set of objectives. When employees have a clear understanding of how they contribute, they will be able to perform productively and efficiently. It also encourages collaboration and fosters an environment where everyone works towards achieving their collective goals.

Assessing the Skills Landscape

Developing a skills framework doesn’t happen overnight. It requires careful thought and planning, as well as effort. A thorough assessment of the current skills landscape can help inform this process.

The first step to take is to identify the core skills that your organization requires to meet its strategic objectives. You should map these out against the roles that exist within your organization. Doing this can outline which skills are needed for different positions to complete tasks successfully.

You should also take time to assess the current skills of your employees. This can help identify their strengths, weaknesses, and any skill gaps that need addressing. Doing this effectively gives your organization a foundation to upskill employees or make decisions around hiring new staff.


When these gaps arise, develop a plan of action to address them. This enables you to take a strategic approach to both the present and future needs of your organization. When this happens, you can design the best possible skills framework that will facilitate success in the present and the future.

Drafting Your Organization’s Skills Framework

Now that you have your strategic objectives and an understanding of the skills landscape, you can start creating your organization’s skills framework. Spend time checking that you have enough information before you commit to drafting your skills framework. Here are some steps you can take when developing your organization’s skills framework:

  1. Identifying Core Competencies

Core competencies you need to identify are the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that are necessary for successful job performance. This means that you need to know what each position within your organization requires. As well as this, you need to ensure that these align with the strategic objectives of your organization to determine which competencies need to be included in your skills framework.

  1. Assessing Current Capabilities

Once you identify the core competencies, you then need to assess the current capabilities of your organization’s workforce. This means taking a closer look at what skills each employee has and how they can be developed further. Doing this gives you a better idea of where you can offer support through training and incentives to focus on improving those areas.

  1. Developing a Plan of Action

You should have a clear understanding of where your employees currently are and where they need additional training or support. It’s now time to develop a plan of action which may include deciding what courses or training sessions are needed and scheduling them into your team’s calendars. Having a development plan in place helps your organization focus on building their skillsets and achieving their goals.

Following these steps can help you build an effective skills framework that supports your strategic objectives. Make sure to consult with your team to ensure that you leave no stones unturned and instead build a full picture of what your skills framework should look like. It should be used to optimize your workforce, but you must keep up to date with changes.

Make You Regularly Evaluate and Review

Once you create a skills framework, you need to make sure it stays relevant. This means measuring the impact of what you’ve done, updating, and refining any areas, and identifying any gaps in skills that may arise. These adjustments are necessary as skills develop over time, as well as your organization’s strategic objectives.


Doing this effectively can help drive your organization’s success in the long term and improve results in the short term. As well as this, you will have a team that is multi-skilled and confident in their abilities. So, what are you waiting for? Take the step forward and begin creating your organization’s skills framework to support strategic objectives today.

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