
5 Questions to Get Your “Never Normal” Workplace Ready

Written by Staff

April 17, 2024

23122604JR-5 Questions to Get Your “Never Normal” Workplace Ready

You are getting ready to head back to the office, but things do not feel the same. The workplace you left is not the one you are returning to. The pandemic changed every aspect of work - how, where, and even why. This new normal, or "never normal"workplace, as some call it, requires everyone to ask important questions to get systems ready.

What policies need updating? How can you support hybrid teams? What tech tools do you need to collaborate across locations? Do not go in blind. Come prepared with a game plan.

In this post, explore five critical questions to get your systems ready for the never normal workplace.


1.    Embracing the Never Normal Workplace

The workplace you once knew is gone. Accepting this "never normal" reality is the first step. Questions to ask:

  • What support do employees need in this transition? Flexible work hours, improved collaboration tools, and mental health resources can help.
  • Do the systems and processes need an overhaul? Workflows that depend on in-person interaction need a reboot. Rethink how teams connect and streamline systems for remote work.
  • What skills do the teams need now? Digital literacy, adaptability, and communication are crucial. Provide training to strengthen these skills.
  • How will the company culture change? Bonding looks different now. Foster social connections through virtual hangouts, team-building activities, and employee spotlights.

The never normal workplace is here to stay. Asking the right questions will help your organization adapt to this new reality and continue moving forward. Success comes to those who embrace change. What changes will you make?

2.    Rethinking Total Compensation Strategies

It is time to re-strategize employee benefits and incentives. Evaluate whether current offerings remain relevant or need updating for the new normal.

  • Do employees have the right tools and resources for remote or hybrid work? Provide stipends or reimbursements for work-from-home expenses such as Wi-Fi, office furniture, and technology.
  • Consider flexible time-off or unlimited PTO policies. With work-life balance blurred, employees will appreciate more freedom and control over their schedules.
  • Look at compensation beyond just salary. Offer spot bonuses or rewards for impressive performance. Recognize and appreciate employees in meaningful ways.
  • Make healthcare and wellness benefits a priority. Virtual healthcare, mental health resources, and self-care programs show that you support employees' overall wellbeing.

The never normal workplace requires creative solutions. Rethink how you can motivate, keep, and attract top talent through benefits, and rewards that demonstrate your commitment to employees' success and satisfaction. Competitive compensation is key. Make sure your offerings match what other companies provide for the never normal world of work.


3.    Building Organizational Resilience for Constant Change

When everything is in flux, resilience is the key. To prepare systems for constant change, focus on flexibility and adaptation.

Ask yourself whether current processes are nimble or rigid. Can teams pivot quickly when needed? Do people feel empowered to solve problems creatively?

Foster a growth mindset. Help employees develop skills to thrive with ambiguity such as critical thinking, collaboration, and comfort with discomfort. Provide learning opportunities and coaching.

Streamline communication and decision making. In fast-changing environments, act fast but think slow. Have a clear chain of command and protocols for disseminating information rapidly. But take time to make thoughtful strategic decisions.

Build in redundancy. Cross-train staff and document procedures so work can continue when team members are out. Have back-up plans and workarounds in place when things inevitably go wrong.

Take an experimental approach. Test latest ideas and make incremental changes to find what works. Be willing to fail fast, learn, and try again. Celebrate small wins to keep morale up during difficult transitions.

Cultivate self-care. Encourage balance and flexibility. In times of change, it is easy to become reactive and burned out. Promote sustainable practices for wellbeing and work-life integration. Individual resilience amplifies organizational resilience.

With practice, facing constant change becomes less daunting. Developing adaptability and resilience will allow your organization to navigate uncertainty with more ease and confidence. But it is an ongoing process that requires maintenance and renewal.

4.    How to Make Your Reward Systems Adaptable

To prepare for the never normal workplace, making your reward systems adaptable is a key.

Focus on non-monetary rewards like extra time off or flexible work hours. These rewards cost little but mean a lot to employees seeking work-life balance. Offer peer recognition for a job well done. Simple “thank you” from leaders or co-workers motivate teams.

Rethink performance reviews and tie rewards to core values, not just productivity metrics. Are employees collaborative? Innovative? Reward the right behaviors. Surveys and self-reviews provide insight into values alignment.

Keep reward options diverse. Not all employees want the same thing. Choice and flexibility boost motivation and job satisfaction. Provide a menu of potential rewards and let employees select what motivates them.

Review how employees respond to different rewards and make changes quickly. The never normal workplace requires agility. Do not get stuck in old reward routines that no longer resonate. Pivot as needed to keep teams motivated during times of change.

With adaptable reward systems, you can weather workplace disruptions and keep employees motivated. Focus on meaningful non-monetary rewards, values-based performance management, diverse options, and agility. Your adaptable rewards will inspire teams for the challenges ahead.

5.    Ways to Improve Feedback and Management

To improve feedback and management, try these techniques:

  1. Provide frequent feedback. Give feedback often, not just during annual reviews. This helps employees stay on track and make corrections as needed.
  2. Focus on specific examples. Use instances and events, not general statements. This makes feedback more constructive and actionable.
  3. Balance positive and negative. Offer both praise and constructive criticism. This comprehensive approach is most helpful for growth and maintaining morale.
  4. Discuss next steps. Work with the employee to determine a plan for improvement and development. Set concrete goals and checkpoints to measure progress.
  5. Ask open-ended questions. Have a genuine conversation using open-ended questions. This allows for a collaborative discussion where you gain useful insights into the employee's perspectives and experiences.
  6. Be transparent in decision making. Explain the reasoning behind key decisions that affect the employee. This helps them understand your process and how to meet expectations.
  7. Provide coaching and mentorship. Invest in developing your employees through coaching and mentorship. This support helps them strengthen their skills and advance their careers.
  8. Consider feedback surveys. Use anonymous employee surveys to gain valuable insights into the organizational climate and your own management performance. Look for trends and make improvements.
  9. Lead by example. Model the kind of feedback and communication you want to see from your team. Your behavior and actions significantly influence the culture and environment you cultivate.
  10. Make feedback a priority. Developing a culture where honest and constructive feedback is encouraged must be an ongoing priority. This commitment to feedback and growth benefits both individuals and the organization.



By asking yourself these key questions, you can prepare your systems for the never normal workplace. Do not wait - start today. Look at how your systems can flex to meet changing needs. See where processes can improve. Find ways to keep communication open. The never normal is here.

With some strategic planning, your systems can rise to meet the challenge. So, act. And remember, everyone is in this together. With preparation and partnership, systems can adapt. And organizations can continue to thrive, even in uncertain times. The future will not be normal. But it will keep moving forward. You can lead the way.

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